Friday, October 8, 2010

Lawn Turning Brown and What to Do About It

Crab Grass, JoAnna Levenglick

The Hampton's is a place where everyone has a beautiful lawn. It is part of the scene to keep your place looking just as nice as the neighbor next door. My lawn was beautiful all summer long for I had installed sod and it was just gorgeous. It was only one week ago when I had looked at my lawn and I saw brown spots all over the area around the pool. I could not believe my eyes how a lawn that looked good all summer would look so bad in on week. What happened?
These are the steps I took to resolve the problem:
1. I looked online to see what was written about brown spots.
2. I went to Home Depot to get advice about products and what may be the problem.
I lucked out because the sales person really knew what he was talking about.
3. He had asked me the following questions:
1. Is there a dog peeing on the lawn?
2. Are there birds present eating on the lawn?
3. Is there crab grass?
4. Do I see little worms in the soil?
5. Is there a sprinkler system?
6. What time does the sprinkler system go on?
4. My answer was "yes" to questions 2,3,4 and 5.
1. I should remove all of the crab grass or it will come back next year...even though it will die this winter.
2. I should use a insecticide to kill the grub worms.
3. One week later the lawn should be fertilized and new seeds should be planted all over and and extra amount where the crab grass was pulled.
4. The man at Home Depot did say that the sprinker should go on in the early hours of the morning and not at night. My sprinkers start at 9 pm every night.
5. The grub worms were apparent in the soil under the crab grass.
I will keep you posted on the impovement of the lawn in weeks to come.

Grub worms, JoAnna Levenglick