Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why are all of the Mailboxes in Southampton so Unattractive?

After Driving around Southampton, I had noticed that there were so many beautiful homes, but most have very unattractive mail boxes. I am not sure why, but we will be featuring some of them. I don't want to say whose mail box this is, but as you can see it is very simple with no thought in design. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Beech Grass in Southampton on Gin Lane

I love this scene with the beech grass in the foreground, and the clouds behind. It is so pretty. This is the area where there is the ocean on one side, and the bay on the other. This tall grass was facing the bay, and was right down the block from where Calvin Klein will be living.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Cooper's Beach in Southampton

It is so rare to see a beach in the Hampton's with no one on it. This is one of the prettiest beaches in the country! I think weddings are actually held here too. It is open to local folks, and non-residents who come to stay for a day and pay a fee. There is also a snack bar, and benches on the beach near the parking lot. In case you are wondering, Cooper was the man who founded Southampton in 1640. He originally came from England, then moved to Massachusetts, and finally Southampton.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Famous Dupont House will be Demolished by Calvin Klein

This house was built in the mid twenties for Henry and Ruth Dupont, and named it Chesterton. It was a 60-70 room Georgian manor that was built on Gin Lane facing the ocean on one side, and the bay on the other. In the 1970's it was purchased by financier, Barry Turpin who renamed the estate, "Dragon's Head." Due to the problems with the town of Southampton, the estate never was completed by the Turpin's. Their unusual tastes did not fit in with the rest of the classic homes surrounding them. Some people even suggested that their taste was totally bad, and lacked any class. The house then was sold to someone from San Francisco and was on the market for 45 million dollars. It was then sold again, but at a drop in price to Calvin Klein for around 27 million. Mr. Klein decided that it would make more sense to knock it down and start all over. His plans are to build a smaller house out of stucco and steel. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What to Do With a Bad Lawn

This house is new construction and near the beach it has a horrible lawn. Last year it was watered it daily and it helped, but did not do the job the way it should have.
After meeting up with a man who does landscaping, I realized that there is a scientific approach to keeping your lawn nice and green. It needs: Lyme, fertilizer and good top soil. It also needs a good sprinkler system. My suggestion is that you have to ask a lot of questions, and remember that location really makes a difference in your lawn. It is Springtime now, and it is time to get things going with the gardening. I was at Home Depot yesterday, and the place had a lot of people buying flowers and specimen trees. I know that the economy is bad, but people still want an nice yard.

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick