Sunday, April 5, 2009

What to Do With a Bad Lawn

This house is new construction and near the beach it has a horrible lawn. Last year it was watered it daily and it helped, but did not do the job the way it should have.
After meeting up with a man who does landscaping, I realized that there is a scientific approach to keeping your lawn nice and green. It needs: Lyme, fertilizer and good top soil. It also needs a good sprinkler system. My suggestion is that you have to ask a lot of questions, and remember that location really makes a difference in your lawn. It is Springtime now, and it is time to get things going with the gardening. I was at Home Depot yesterday, and the place had a lot of people buying flowers and specimen trees. I know that the economy is bad, but people still want an nice yard.

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

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