Monday, June 29, 2009

Madoff's House in Montawk

It was announced today that Ponzi, Bernard Madoff will go to jail for 150 years. Madoff would only look forward in court, and it also has been reported that he looked like he lost a lot of weight. Weight is not the only thing that Madoff lost. He also lost his three home. The New York City apartment, Palm Beach home and the one in the Hampton's. See picture below of house in Montawk. The house was estimated to be worth about 3.3 million dollars and is right on the beach.

Photo, Google

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paris Hilton Has a Nice Place to Stay in Water Mill

Located in Water Mill, which is part of Southampton, this 10,000 sf house is situated on 2.4 acres. This house belongs to Richard Hilton who is the father of Paris. She gets to stay there when she comes to the Hampton's. It was reported that his house was once part of the Henry Ford Estate, and was purchased in 1999 for 2.4 million dollars and that it was listed on the rental market for 400,000 from Memorial day to Labor day.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick when Paris was on the Tyra Banks Show

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Privet Hedges Make Your Yard More Private and Beautiful

Most recently, I had the fence that was around the pool removed. It was a real eye sore. The fencing was referred to as Stockade, and certainly was not good. The town of Southampton has a zoning ordinance that you must have a fence around your pool All of my neighbors have fencing around their homes. There is not uniformity. People decide what they want based on budget and how much thought they want to put into their yards. Some have a green wire to blend in with the hedges and many people use Stockade fencing. Fencing is like the mailboxes in the Hampton's, people don't really care much on how it looks.
I came to realize that you need Privet Hedges and you must double them up to look good. They are work, because you have to keep trimming them. I heard that they grow fast, but I still may want to get some that are larger. The larger they are the more privacy they will offer, and they will make the house look much more elegant.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Will You Be Wearing Will Ferrell's Suntan Lotions on The Beach This Summer?

Will Ferrell is in the suntan lotion business. Yes, that is right! The former SNL comedienne, actor is now becoming a business person,but for a very good cause. Inspired by his close friend, Craig Pollard who had cancer since 1993, Will has decided to manufacture a 30 proof line of suntan lotions with 3 different names. Sexy Hot Tan, Sun Stroke and Forbidden Fruit are the 3 choices. Each cost 11.99 and all of the proceeds go to
Way to go Will! Photo, cancerforcollege

Craigslist For Renting Your Home in The Hamptons

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
If you are looking to rent or sell your house you can easily upload picture files on Craigslist and within seconds you will see your ad. That is the easy part. The hard part is dealing with the people who respond. I have been listing my house for some time now dealing with vacation renters, and I have never come across so many unreliable people who think that you will allow a group of 10-20 people in your home for 1000 dollars. That is just one problem, is that many people don't want to pay. The other problem is that many people who say they are going to do something fall through, and don't. One example was just this past weekend when I got an email from a woman in Manhattan who booked days in advance to come out and see the house on a Sunday. She told me 1 pm and I planned my day around her time preference. Once 1 pm rolled woman in sight. I finally called her after 45 min. and she told me that she was just leaving Manhattan and would not be at my place until 3. I told her fine. She had emailed while in transit and confirmed that she was coming. To make a long story short after numerous emails back and forth, and me setting aside my day to meet with her, she never came. Just today I had a guy who confirmed a rental and said that payment would be made on Monday. When Monday rolled around, he said Tuesday for sure. Finally on Tuesday he called to tell me that he could not do it. Why do people have to be so irresponsible? I also notice that most people who respond to my ads do it while at work using the email address from their office. I wonder what the boss would say if he/she knew.

Photo, JoAnna Leveglick