Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting Deals in the Hamptons

The Hamptons is not a place where you get deals. No matter what you buy, you will pay the price. There is no reason why the prices have to be as high as those in Manhattan. The local business owners think their customers have money so they are going to take advantage of it. During these hard times with real estate down both in rentals and sales, there should be no reason for such high prices, but they still exist.
The way I deal with the prices is to take my business elsewhere. I discovered Riverhead which is not that far from Southampton. It is not more than a 15 minute drive, and a very pretty one with little traffic. Riverhead has everything; Home Depot, cheaper gas, and the Tanger Outlet Mall. I took a little time to check out the outlet mall for the very first time. I had been to the one in the Poconos, Orlando and in Westchester, New York. All of them are very good, and if you are a good shopper, you can get some really good stuff at really good prices. I do think when you shop at an Outlet store, the prices should be at least 75 % off retail, or it is not a good deal.
As for the Tanner Outlet Mall in Riverhead; I think it was OK, but not great. There was very little traffic, so that was good that you don't have to deal with the crowds. However, some stores merchandise is old and out of date. I did find the Armani store as very good. The Fendi was bad..the stock appeared to be very old. As for Saks 5th Ave. It was pretty good. I did not look at the men's wear but there was a good selection for women. I do think it is worth taking a look at if you want to get some good deals. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

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