Monday, August 17, 2009

Southampton Dump

The Southampton Recycle Center, also known as the dump is a pretty popular place these days for those who do not want to spend 30 dollars per can to have their trash picked up. The garbage must be divided between; bottles and cans in one bag, paper products in another and food must be put in green bags that cost 3.50 per bag. There is never a line, and it is very easy to use. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ralph Lauren Home Store is Very Different From Any Other Store

Located in Southampton, this store is very different from any other Ralph Lauren Store. You have to walk through a small garden and gate before you enter the store. How creative is that?
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adorable Baby Turtle Found in my Backyard

Not sure what kind of turtle this is, but he sure is cute! I found this turtle today while working in my yard doing some gardening.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting Deals in the Hamptons

The Hamptons is not a place where you get deals. No matter what you buy, you will pay the price. There is no reason why the prices have to be as high as those in Manhattan. The local business owners think their customers have money so they are going to take advantage of it. During these hard times with real estate down both in rentals and sales, there should be no reason for such high prices, but they still exist.
The way I deal with the prices is to take my business elsewhere. I discovered Riverhead which is not that far from Southampton. It is not more than a 15 minute drive, and a very pretty one with little traffic. Riverhead has everything; Home Depot, cheaper gas, and the Tanger Outlet Mall. I took a little time to check out the outlet mall for the very first time. I had been to the one in the Poconos, Orlando and in Westchester, New York. All of them are very good, and if you are a good shopper, you can get some really good stuff at really good prices. I do think when you shop at an Outlet store, the prices should be at least 75 % off retail, or it is not a good deal.
As for the Tanner Outlet Mall in Riverhead; I think it was OK, but not great. There was very little traffic, so that was good that you don't have to deal with the crowds. However, some stores merchandise is old and out of date. I did find the Armani store as very good. The Fendi was bad..the stock appeared to be very old. As for Saks 5th Ave. It was pretty good. I did not look at the men's wear but there was a good selection for women. I do think it is worth taking a look at if you want to get some good deals. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ralph Lauren Tennis Wear for the Hamptons

This is what guys will be wearing on the tennis courts in the Hampton's this summer. Designed by, Ralph Lauren and no one does it better! The double V design with the large Polo logo works very well together in a dark navy blue. The shorts are a nice length for any guy; short, but not too short. This outfit can be found at Bloomingdale's in Manhattan.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quiet Time in Southampton on Jobs Lane

This picture was taken on a Monday around 7 pm in Southampton, and there was no one around.
I am not sure how business is these days with the tourist, but I do recall days of Summer in the Hampton's when there was no place to park. If you look at this picture, you will see that all of the parking spaces are available. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

2 Veggie Floats for the Fourth of July

These two floats were made by Schmidts Market in honor of the Fourth of July. They are very colorful, and creative! Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Southampton Gets a New Post Office

The new Post Office is located on North Sea Road on a 2.2 acre lot which was purchased by the USPS in 1998 for about 1.2 million dollars. The construction started about a year ago, and is supposed to open on July 13, 2009. The estimated cost was about 3 million dollars for the construction alone. It has been reported that the postal service plans on saving some money in the long run on this new location. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, June 29, 2009

Madoff's House in Montawk

It was announced today that Ponzi, Bernard Madoff will go to jail for 150 years. Madoff would only look forward in court, and it also has been reported that he looked like he lost a lot of weight. Weight is not the only thing that Madoff lost. He also lost his three home. The New York City apartment, Palm Beach home and the one in the Hampton's. See picture below of house in Montawk. The house was estimated to be worth about 3.3 million dollars and is right on the beach.

Photo, Google

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paris Hilton Has a Nice Place to Stay in Water Mill

Located in Water Mill, which is part of Southampton, this 10,000 sf house is situated on 2.4 acres. This house belongs to Richard Hilton who is the father of Paris. She gets to stay there when she comes to the Hampton's. It was reported that his house was once part of the Henry Ford Estate, and was purchased in 1999 for 2.4 million dollars and that it was listed on the rental market for 400,000 from Memorial day to Labor day.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick when Paris was on the Tyra Banks Show

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Privet Hedges Make Your Yard More Private and Beautiful

Most recently, I had the fence that was around the pool removed. It was a real eye sore. The fencing was referred to as Stockade, and certainly was not good. The town of Southampton has a zoning ordinance that you must have a fence around your pool All of my neighbors have fencing around their homes. There is not uniformity. People decide what they want based on budget and how much thought they want to put into their yards. Some have a green wire to blend in with the hedges and many people use Stockade fencing. Fencing is like the mailboxes in the Hampton's, people don't really care much on how it looks.
I came to realize that you need Privet Hedges and you must double them up to look good. They are work, because you have to keep trimming them. I heard that they grow fast, but I still may want to get some that are larger. The larger they are the more privacy they will offer, and they will make the house look much more elegant.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Will You Be Wearing Will Ferrell's Suntan Lotions on The Beach This Summer?

Will Ferrell is in the suntan lotion business. Yes, that is right! The former SNL comedienne, actor is now becoming a business person,but for a very good cause. Inspired by his close friend, Craig Pollard who had cancer since 1993, Will has decided to manufacture a 30 proof line of suntan lotions with 3 different names. Sexy Hot Tan, Sun Stroke and Forbidden Fruit are the 3 choices. Each cost 11.99 and all of the proceeds go to
Way to go Will! Photo, cancerforcollege

Craigslist For Renting Your Home in The Hamptons

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick
If you are looking to rent or sell your house you can easily upload picture files on Craigslist and within seconds you will see your ad. That is the easy part. The hard part is dealing with the people who respond. I have been listing my house for some time now dealing with vacation renters, and I have never come across so many unreliable people who think that you will allow a group of 10-20 people in your home for 1000 dollars. That is just one problem, is that many people don't want to pay. The other problem is that many people who say they are going to do something fall through, and don't. One example was just this past weekend when I got an email from a woman in Manhattan who booked days in advance to come out and see the house on a Sunday. She told me 1 pm and I planned my day around her time preference. Once 1 pm rolled woman in sight. I finally called her after 45 min. and she told me that she was just leaving Manhattan and would not be at my place until 3. I told her fine. She had emailed while in transit and confirmed that she was coming. To make a long story short after numerous emails back and forth, and me setting aside my day to meet with her, she never came. Just today I had a guy who confirmed a rental and said that payment would be made on Monday. When Monday rolled around, he said Tuesday for sure. Finally on Tuesday he called to tell me that he could not do it. Why do people have to be so irresponsible? I also notice that most people who respond to my ads do it while at work using the email address from their office. I wonder what the boss would say if he/she knew.

Photo, JoAnna Leveglick

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Impression of the Real Estate Market in the Hamptons

I took a drive into the town of Southampton today and noticed that there were people everywhere. There is no doubt that people cannot live without their time out in the Hampton's. The difference this year is that people are changing their outlook to a more budget mode. They come in groups, and take less time when they rent a house. The thing that most people who want deals should understand that the cost of having a home has not declined in line with the economy. Taxes are the same with no discounts, electric, propane gas, pool man and gardening is all the same. I had contacted one man who owned a local nursery and wanted 30,ooo plus dollars just for some trees and doing the lawn. I had asked my pool man how business was, and he said don't believe what you hear on the news. Well, only time will tell. I do think that people will continue to take their vacations in the Hampton's for a lot of reasons; tradition, location, the beaches, the scene, beauty and much more.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kelly Ripa is One of Many Celebrities Who Has a House in The Hamptons

Actress, and talk show host on, "Live With Regis and Kelly'" likes to spend her summer time out in the Hampton's. There are celebrities everywhere, and I guess that is one of the many things that make the Hampton's a popular place for people to go.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Nice Mailbox Goes A Long Way!

It doesn't take much to make your mailbox look more attractive. I had to look for a long time online and locally in shops to find a mail box that is a bit unique and nice. Once I found one, I had to take it one step further and add flowers to it. It is a simple notion, but goes a long way. Your mailbox is one of the first things you see when you drive up to your house. The real estate brokers always point out that your house should have curb appeal. I mentioned earlier that most homes in the Hampton's have very basic, and in some cases really unattractive mail boxes. Someone did tell me that the local kids like to throw balls at them, but I find that a bad reason for not making an effort. This is the mail box that I chose and help design. I hope you like it.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mort Zuckerman has a Very Special Passion In The Hamptons

I love Mort Zuckerman! You can see him as a guest on many of the Sunday mornig talk shows, and CNBC.
He is quite the guy; well educated, and very successful! I love how he gives his feedback about the economy and various businesses. He is the owner of Boston Properties, and US News and World Report...just to name a few! He grew up in Montreal, and attended McGill at the age of 16.
Moved on to the Wharton Business School and Harvard Law. He is smart and has a good grip on business.
He has a home in East Hampton, and he shares a special passion while in town. He is a pitcher of the softball team. How sweet is that? Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gas Ripoffs...These 2 Stations Are Across the Street From Each Other

Look at the prices of the each: One has 2.79.9 for super, the other has 257.9. I literally drove across highway 27 to compare the prices. The guy who had the higher prices said that he can charge whatever he wants. What I found interesting was that he had no business. This is an fine example of a Hampton's rip off! Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Phto, JoAnna Levenglick

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Big Nest!

It was suggested to my by a landscape designer that I should get rid of this area of brush on the side of my house. It is not bad once all of the plants have blossomed. It is not that big, but I find it rather beautiful, since you do not see wild growth so much in the Hampton's, since everything is so well manicured. I must point out that the rest of my property is very manicured. Anyway, the reason why I kept it too is that I was advised that the birds love it and if I got rid of it-the birds would be gone. My priority was to hear that wonderful sound of birds singing, as a result I kept the nest of brush so I can hear a lot of bird singing while I make my pot of coffee. I have to admit...I love it!
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

What is Happening With The Real Estate Market in the Hamptons

It is now a few weeks off from Memorial Day Weekend which marks the beginning of the Summer season. In years past, most people would have their rental deals signed and sealed. Today, thing are much more different in both markets. It must be pointed out that the rental market and the sales market are both different, but are intertwined as well. The reason is that some houses that normally would be on the market for sale, are now added to the rental market since sales are so low, such as a spec house.
This house in the photograph below is listed for sale, and I do not know the price, or how long it has been on the market. It was on a very quiet street with a cul-de-sac, and it looked terrific from the street. New, big, beautiful huge lawn, but the hedges as you can see need to be cut. Street appeal is so important in selling a house. That is the first thing you see when you drive up. Anyway, in terms of the sales department there are reports that things look pretty bad. Inventory is up, and sales are down. Prices are also coming down. The problem is that many people cannot get a loan yet. Things have not kicked in yet from the banks and funding from the US Government. There was one report that quoted sales as being down 66 % over the rate of 2007. Remember, that was 2 years ago, when the market was at it's peak. The selling prices have dropped at least 20 % over last year. Also, more lower priced houses are selling; the 1.2 million and down price points. I have heard that many of the more expensive houses have been hit hard in sales. It is even harder to get a loan, and many of those Wall street folks no longer have a job, or if they do, may not get a bonus. In my personal experience, I bought a new house in June 2008, and feel that I got a good deal then, not only price wise, but also location. South of the Highway, and with water views with 6 bedrooms with pool, and there is nothing in that same price range and location, so I still feel lucky.
You can get much lower prices, but I do strongly feel that there is a lot of garbage on the market, such as old ranch houses that are located in the Village of Southampton with no pool, and only 3 bedrooms, asking over a million dollars.
Now for the Rental Market: There have been reports in local papers and blogs that normally at this time there is 20 % left on the market. These days, there is 50 %. Prices are down 30 % over last year in renting. I saw one report that stated that last last year there were 13,000 rentals on the market, and this year there are 15,000. The increase is due to those houses once listed for sale and now are on the market for rentals. I have listed my house for rentals, and I do get the interest, but what I am seeing is more people pooling together their money for a weekly or weekend share. Even those folks with large groups try very hard to get a super low price. It has been reported that many owners do get angry with the customers because of the low balling, and the owner feeling insulted. My take on it is that both sides have to work together, but not take advantage of the situation. The renter must understand that the costs of owning a house has not come down; taxes, mortgage, gardening, pool, etc. So after awhile, if the price is not good enough, then it is just not worth renting. There is a lot of risk with having strangers in your house. Most people lie, and suggest that it may be 5 people, then you realized that they had a party for 40. is not an easy choice, but you have to do what is best for your particular situation, and look at it as a business decision. If you are better off by renting at a lower price, then do it, but if your loss could exceed the benefits, then that's another story. Also,ignore all of the stories about the market, becasuse you may have to be more creative to rent. Offer bottled water, Champagne, or free Broadway tickets. You have to make your sale, whether selling a house or renting, stand out. Good Luck!

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Southampton, The Oldest English Settlement in New York

The very first settlers of Southampton comprised of 8 men, 1 woman and child in 1640 from Lyn,
Massachusetts's. Town of Southampton is an area of 295.6 square miles, and 156.7 is water. About 53 percent of the town is water.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Christy Brinkley , Her Daughter and Pet on Beach in Hamptons

Christy Brinkley has been a resident of the Hamptons for many years. Is has been reported that she currently owns many homes here, and she has a net worth of about 80 million dollars because of the Hampton real estate. She is such a wonderful role model for her children. She was born in Michigan and later moved to California. She was discovered at a post office in Paris while she was there studying. The rest is history!
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nice Basic Hampton Look that is Very Classic

Guys can't go wrong with this look for the summer. This is an ensemble that has worked well in the Hamptons for years. The white sweater is made of cotton. The Shirt is a 100 % cotton oxford cloth and pants too are made of cotton. All you have to worry about is the pressing.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Hermes Mustard Shoulder Strap Bag

Mustard is a beautiful color than can be worn all year long. This bag is a wonderful size to fit all you electronics in and still have room. It carries the Hermes H in the front and is in a beautiful soft leather.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Cool Sneakers for the Guys!

This is the year of the sneaker. You will be seeing them with color, patent leather and even platforms for women. This particular pair is for men, and for guys who want to make a statement at any party in the Hamptons.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Prada Sky Blue Bag and Feathered Hat

This is a perfect combination to wear in the Hamptons. Designed by Prada, and made in Italy.
The hat is made out of Ostrich feathers in a rainbow of colors, and the bag is big enough to be an over-night case. Mustard shoes are made out of ostrich.

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why are all of the Mailboxes in Southampton so Unattractive?

After Driving around Southampton, I had noticed that there were so many beautiful homes, but most have very unattractive mail boxes. I am not sure why, but we will be featuring some of them. I don't want to say whose mail box this is, but as you can see it is very simple with no thought in design. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Beech Grass in Southampton on Gin Lane

I love this scene with the beech grass in the foreground, and the clouds behind. It is so pretty. This is the area where there is the ocean on one side, and the bay on the other. This tall grass was facing the bay, and was right down the block from where Calvin Klein will be living.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Cooper's Beach in Southampton

It is so rare to see a beach in the Hampton's with no one on it. This is one of the prettiest beaches in the country! I think weddings are actually held here too. It is open to local folks, and non-residents who come to stay for a day and pay a fee. There is also a snack bar, and benches on the beach near the parking lot. In case you are wondering, Cooper was the man who founded Southampton in 1640. He originally came from England, then moved to Massachusetts, and finally Southampton.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Famous Dupont House will be Demolished by Calvin Klein

This house was built in the mid twenties for Henry and Ruth Dupont, and named it Chesterton. It was a 60-70 room Georgian manor that was built on Gin Lane facing the ocean on one side, and the bay on the other. In the 1970's it was purchased by financier, Barry Turpin who renamed the estate, "Dragon's Head." Due to the problems with the town of Southampton, the estate never was completed by the Turpin's. Their unusual tastes did not fit in with the rest of the classic homes surrounding them. Some people even suggested that their taste was totally bad, and lacked any class. The house then was sold to someone from San Francisco and was on the market for 45 million dollars. It was then sold again, but at a drop in price to Calvin Klein for around 27 million. Mr. Klein decided that it would make more sense to knock it down and start all over. His plans are to build a smaller house out of stucco and steel. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What to Do With a Bad Lawn

This house is new construction and near the beach it has a horrible lawn. Last year it was watered it daily and it helped, but did not do the job the way it should have.
After meeting up with a man who does landscaping, I realized that there is a scientific approach to keeping your lawn nice and green. It needs: Lyme, fertilizer and good top soil. It also needs a good sprinkler system. My suggestion is that you have to ask a lot of questions, and remember that location really makes a difference in your lawn. It is Springtime now, and it is time to get things going with the gardening. I was at Home Depot yesterday, and the place had a lot of people buying flowers and specimen trees. I know that the economy is bad, but people still want an nice yard.

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Double Rainbow in Southampton

This was taken in the backyard of my house near the beach in Southampton. It is so pretty. I have never seen this before.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Nacho and the Sport of Polo

Nacho is a pro Polo player from Argentina. This picture was taken at the Hampton Polo Event in Bridghampton. I had interviewed him for and will be uploaded soon!
The sport originated in China, but was not established with rules until 1856, when John Watson (1856-1908), formulated the real rules of the game in India. It was not until 1890, when the United States Polo Association ( USPA), was founded. It was designed to promote and supervise the sport. It is a wonderful sport, but known to be expensive and dangerous.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Before You Ride the Polo Pony, This is What You Have to Do!

This picture was taken at the Southampton Hunt and Polo Club. This is what you do for the first lesson. Before you get on the Polo Pony, you have to learn how to hold and swing the mallet. It is a class to teach you how to get used to swinging before you go out in the field and play. The mallet ranges in size between 48" and 54 ," and is lighter for the women. The length depends on the size of the pony.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Beth Ostrosky, The New Mrs. Howard Stern

I met Beth at the Hampton Polo event and asked if I could interview her for; She was dating Howard for a number of years, and was not married to him at the time that we met. She had a nice sense of humor, and she discussed her passion for animals. Beth is from Pittsburg,Pennsylvania, and has been a successful model for years. She also has been in a lot of TV shows and films; inluding, "Flirting with Disaster," with Ben Stiller. Part of her interview is on this Blog, curtesy of SexySassySmartTV.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

LAMBORGINI.. This is a basic in the Hamptons

Sleek design, speed, and price clearly defines a Lanborgini. The cost of this car is a nice down-payment on a house. If you want to get attention; even in the Hamptons, then this is the car for you!
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Look at Double Rainbows in Southampton

I took this picture right after I noticed a two rainbows. You have to look hard to see the second one above the brighter one. This was taken in my backyard near the beach.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Nacho, One of the Best Polo Players in the World

Nacho Figueras hails from Venezuela, and is one of the finest Polo players in the world. He is talented, and he is also a model. You guessed it...for none other than Ralph Lauren Polo. How perfect is that? This picture was taken in Bridgehampton and Nacho lives in the Hamptons in the Summer. I had a nice interview with him for which will be posted soon...stay tuned!
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Hampton Crowd Having a Good Time

This is a nice party scene that is typical of what you see in the Hamptons. Good looks, fashion, and lots of sunglasses! Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

2 Polo Ponies Waiting to Play Polo

These 2 polo ponies were taking a break until the rider is ready to go out an play polo. This was taken at the Hampton Polo event. It should be pointed out that these are really horses, and they are commonly thoroughbreds or TB crosses. The size is between 14.2 and 16 hands. The polo player needs 4-8 ponies. They are trained at the age of 3 years for 6 months to 2 years. They are that their peak at 6-7 years old. In case you are wondering about their tails; they are docked and braided so they don't snag the rider's mallet.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick